A Renewed Spirituality

ISBN: 0-8308-2344-1; paper; 208 pp. (2002)
This resource presents six spiritual paths that Christians have found helpful during the midlife years:
- Celtic spirituality
- Benedictine spirituality
- contemplative prayer
- finding God in nature
- drawing near to God with the heart
- sabbath keeping
The first two chapters of the book, along with the last chapter, present an overview of the issues that many folks at midlife (35-55) tend to experience.
The kindle edition has an extra chapter at the end. It was the original concluding chapter of the book and focuses on the connections between midlife spirituality and postmodernism. The editor requested that Lynne write a different concluding chapter, which appears in both the paperback and kindle editions, and which functions as a better conclusion for the book. But the additional chapter in the kindle edition is thought-provoking and stimulating.
Be sure the check out the "articles" page of this website, which has an article Lynne wrote about midlife" Faith at Midlife.